Eddm Map

The EDDM map feature allows you to choose your area visually and target specific USPS carrier routes.  By utilizing demographic data, you can target neighborhoods that match your demographic profile for your product or service.  It has never been faster, easier or more cost effective to get your message into thousands of homes.

PreparedMail.com® has broken down the process into three simple steps.  Here’s how it works.

First, register for a free account at www.preparedmail.com .  Once you have an account.  Design your mailer.  Preparedmail.com has thousands of templates to choose from or you can have one of our professional print designers design your marketing piece.  There are four sizes to choose from as well.

After you have designed your marketing piece, target the area you want to canvas.  Preparedmail.com’s EDDM map starts with entering a zip code in the area.  You can then choose from a driving radius or even target specific postal carrier routes.

Then you simply verify your order and check out.  A proof will be sent within 2 business days.  Once you approve the final artwork, printing will be completed within 5 business days and the order will be shipped straight to the corresponding post office.  You then will receive a proof of distribution from the United States Post Office.  Every piece delivered, guaranteed.

Website by Abe Fawson
Red Truck advanced digital marketing