Postcard Templates

Postcard templates make it easy to customize your message and produce a professional looking print piece. Here are some tips when choosing your template.

When choosing a postcard template, focus on:

  • Eye catching images.  You want to capture the interest of the prospect with a glance.  Use the image to convey your main idea.
  • Minimal Text.  You have very few words to use, make them count.
  • Make sure the template reflects the theme of your business.  A law office template will be different than a beauty salon.  Check out the categories and use them to your advantage.
  • Call to action.  Make sure what you want the prospect to do is clear and decisive.  Use active verbs like “Call Now” or “Go to our website”

We have hundreds of templates to choose from.

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Website by Abe Fawson
Red Truck advanced digital marketing